a little about me
hello Friends!
My name is Pat Baumann. I’m a third generation Black Hills resident who feels blessed to live in this amazing area. Raised on a small ranch near Custer, my youth was spent around cattle and potato farming. After graduating Custer High School, I attended the University of South Dakota where I received my Bachelor of Science degree. My career has included agriculture, tourism, sales, timber, mining, and even the ministry. I’ve been honored to serve as an Environmental Manager and Senior Project Manager for several companies. In those capacities, I learned to successfully manage large budgets and lead large teams to meet goals.
Although retired, I stay active building a new home with my wife and soul mate, Ginger. Together, we lead a ministry, steward a portion of the family ranch and teach classes about the Constitution of the United States.
I’m a Christian conservative with strong family values. I support our constitutions and defend the rights and freedoms provided therein. For the past 2 years, I’ve worked with Fall River, Custer and Pennington county auditors to help ensure election security. During the 2022 General Election, I participated in a random hand count of ballots in Custer County, which was the first of its kind in recent South Dakota history. In addition, I’ve worked to protect gun rights in Custer and Pennington counties and have led classes to help further the constitutional education of many citizens in all three counties. My support for the people of District 30 will not stop there.
I am now campaigning to represent District 30 in the South Dakota House of Representatives. My 2022 campaign nearly won the primary race, lacking only 93 votes. With your support, we’ll cross the finish line in victory this June.
As a legislator, I’d resolve to help rein in government overreach and help bring control back to “We the People”. My focus:
• Fair and safe elections
• Immigration control
• The right to life
• Constitutional freedoms of religion, speech, assembly, press
• Right to keep and bear arms
• Enforceable term limits for state and national legislators
As I travel around District 30, I’m amazed by the number of people that have awakened to the intentional destruction of our great nation. I’m also inspired by your willingness to take action and make a difference. I’m proud to join you in taking a stand to preserve freedom for our children and their children.
Yours in freedom,
Happy Clients
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Amazing Experience
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