Vote for

Patrick Baumann

SD House – District 30

Patrick Baumann

SD House – District 30



I can’t express how much your support, your encouragement, your vote and your prayers have meant to me! We ran a strong campaign and we always put our best foot forward. We upheld our core value of, “Tell District 30 residents who Pat Baumann is and what they need to know about him. The Baumann campaign does not sling mud at other campaigns, nor does it align with other District 30 campaigns.” We can look back and hold our heads up high, with no regrets.

I know that the preliminary election results are disappointing for us all. Like in the 2022 election, we missed a House seat by a very narrow margin. At this point, we do not have a recount option.

However, we must not give up. Stay strong and move forward with courage. It will take ALL of us working together to maintain our way of life and keep South Dakota free. We can’t sit on the sidelines and just watch the game. We must roll up our sleeves and take a part in it!

  • Communicate with your elected officials and let them know where you stand BEFORE they vote.

  • Attend school board meetings, city council meetings, county commissioner meetings and legislative sessions. Speak up for what is constitutional and follow God’s lead.

  • Get involved in your local grassroots movements.

  • Further your education regarding our founding fathers, The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence and our American history.

The Baumann campaign may be taking a break, but rest assured Pat Baumann is NOT! I look forward to seeing you at future meetings and joining with you to promote Constitutional and Biblical values for South Dakota!

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Let's Bring Control back to "We the People"

Why Choose me?

My Resolve is for:

Without free and fair elections, we the people will lose our voice. 

I stand firmly AGAINST ANY state or federal support for illegal immigrants. 

I support the First Amendment of our constitution which provides for freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly and petition.

Private property should not be seized by law enforcement agencies unless due process has been served first.

 It is time to stop this growth and to rein government in.

We should spend within our means and stay out of debt.

 I support the second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms.


⭐NO Campaign Alignments! ⭐

Many have contacted Pat wondering if he has changed his position about not aligning the Baumann campaign with other District 30 campaigns. The answer is “NO“, he has not changed his position.
Since the start of the Baumann campaign last January, our core value has been to, “Tell District 30 residents who Pat Baumann is and what they need to know about him. The Baumann campaign does not sling mud at other campaigns, nor does it align with other campaigns.
The Baumann campaign has upheld this core value.
Note: PAC advertisements are created TOTALLY independent of the Baumann campaign. 
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Support Pat for SD House

District 30